
72 Plymouth Roadrunner -- 1st Complete Paint Job


The first time I laid eyes on this car, I saw it painted a beautiful dark blue. I am a geek, not a car restorer, so I had no idea of how much work was involved and how much help I would need.

My brother built pretty much from the ground up a 1939 Chevy. By the time I returned from England in 1993, his car was about 90% done and I was pretty much in awe (even though it is a stinking Chebby). My brother wanted to assist me in putting together my dream car and I told him it had to be a Plymouth and it had to have a big block (383 or better), a 4 speed and rare would be a bonus.

Out of the blue, just such a car came our way. The owner of the local Chrysler dealer actually gave the car to his daughter when she graduated from High School in the summer of 1972. To the best of my knowledge, I am only the 3rd owner of this car which was built in St. Lewis, Mo. in the spring of 72.

I have sequenced the pictures from the first coat of sealer (yellow), to primer (grey) and then base coat (Colbalt Blue) and finally the clear coat over all the entire car. The cost in just materials to paint this beast was in the thousands of dollars range. I can only guess the quality of one of those $395 paint jobs from a high volume car paint place....

If you have any questions about any particular photo, please email me and give me the photo number. I am very proud of my brother and his abilities. This car looks as good as it runs!

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