Bondo dust everywhere....
Notice the professional style air cleaner plugs in those dual snorkels?
The ready for sealer hood is behind the car on the left.
The underside of the hood is done.
Another look after the sealer has been applied.
Look over to the right and you can see my brother's next project car.
It's a 32 Plymouth Coupe with a rumble seat!
Hours and hours of blocking the sealer and bondo till the body lines are straight.
This is something that I could not seem to muster.
If you dig in, then you end up with a rut. Often, we would spray a little black paint on the sealer and then check for high spots by blocking and seeing if any paint remained.
The car is now in the paint room and Jack (who really got the project going again) is taping and masking.
Before the hood was put on, we had to protect the engine compartment with this chunk of plastic sheeting.
Looks like the sealer has been applied to the entire car in this shot.
Next comes a full coat of primer.
Many long hours away from the blue base coat.
The sealer was yellow and the primer was grey. |
Rear view.
Note those cool tire/wheel covers!
Primer is done.
Next step was more sanding and blocking.
Always finding new spots to correct.