Engine Rebuild 400 to 470 CID Stroker - Page 1

400 Cubic Inches to 470 Cubic Inch Stroker

(Click on pictures to enlarge)


On 11 May 2006, the most disturbing event in the exciting life of MOPAR ACTION occurred. The bolt that held the dual snorkel air cleaner fell through the Holley 750 4BBL and went on a tour of the engine. It made it through at least 3 intake valves and crippled the engine. The only thing to do was have AAA take it to my favorite auto repair shop (TUNE TECH) and have master mechanic "Jade" see what he could save. With the heads off, we could look at the "purple shaft" cam, it seemed okay, but did have about 10 years of wear. The main bearings and crankshaft was a different story. Pretty soon a major choice was going to have to be made.

Should we just bolt back what was still usable and spend about 3K? Or is it time for roller rockers, roller cam, that STROKER kit that was always dreamed about?

Here you can see the damage to the crankshaft..

The crank was already 10 over and it was possible to save it.

On the next page I have a close up of one of the main bearing sets.

Main bearings are NOT supposed to have so many colors!

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