Engine Rebuild 400 to 470 CID Stroker - Page 2

400 Cubic Inches to 470 Cubic Inch Stroker

(Click on pictures to enlarge)


I could not see any real damage to the heads or any valves.

I did see at least 3 spark plugs with the electrodes bent flat which meant something had hit the top of the piston and then smashed into the plug.

Oh well .. this is my chance for some better breathing heads.

8 pistons, circa 1972. Nothing special about em, except to think about all the times they made the trip up and down!

We found out that the engine had never even been bored, so we had stock pistons, rings and a block that was intact, but needed some work to fit the new stroker pistons.

The bearings out of number 8 cell look like they are on the way to failure.

Jade thought I could have made it through the summer before a rod could have escaped.

Guess it's a good thing to get at this problem before any block damage was done.

The most reliable mix for my needs would be to take my 400 block and add 70 cubic inches.

My first choice was to go with the 400 to 500 CID plan, but Jade suggested the 470 would be "longer lasting" and I trust his judgement in this area.

The stroker kit comes with Ross flattop 99495 forged racing pistons.


400 CID to 470 CID Long rod

Stroke 3.915"

Rod Length 6.760"

Piston Height 1.238"

Rod Ratio 1.726

So this is where we sit the weekend of 20/21 May.

Parts on order, a sad naked block on the engine stand, and me trying to figure out how to pay for a nice new motor.

On Friday, I had Jade call the 440 source people and work out what do to. I was going for RELIABILITY over super performance.

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